
Sponsored Children



Sponsored Children


The Sponsorship Plan

Sponsors, mostly Australian, give $20.00 a month to enable a needy child to attend school.

The sponsors’ money pays the child’s school fees, buys school books and uniforms, also Scout or Guide uniforms, provides a ‘going out’ set of clothing and meets dental and medical expenses.  In addition, we can often meet some urgent and unexpected expenditure from the ‘ricebowl’, where all the children's money sits.  Every two months we provide a food parcel to each family.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor and would like some more information, please email Nancy at: nse95557@bigpond.net.au or fill out the form below:

Comments/ Questions


Administration Costs

For the first 10 years, all administrative work was done voluntarily by the Committee. Travel to and from schools, the children's homes, etc, is via motorbike, becak, or local taxi. The only administrative costs were small amounts of petrol and postage.

At the end of 1993, the firm employing Petrus closed down and left him without paid work. As he had been praying for several years about the possibility of working for HFTC fulltime, this seemed like the answer to his prayer.

Our committee in Australia agreed that we should support Petrus in the work fulltime, so from 1994 we have sponsored Petrus himself through donation given for this purpose.

1974 to 1982 was a period of consolidation when policies were formed, foundations laid and confidence built. In 1982, articles appearing in New Life and other Christian publications alerted Australian Christians to the appalling poverty in the villages and acquainted them with the worthwhile work of HFTC. This, plus the Java Journeys begun in 1983, saw a remarkable growth in interest and led to many offers of sponsorship for needy children in East Java.